Coaching Webinar Series
A Passing Game by Ball Carriers
What is Creativity?
Identifying & Developing Creativity
Blueprint for Developing Creativity in Hockey
Talent v Performance Coaching
Building Blocks for Success
Video Examples
Individual Coaching in a Team Setting
Searching for the perfect fit
Hints/Tips on how to focus on individuals while letting a session run
”Hollywood” Build up
Discussion around coaching positions
Coaching “off the ball”
inner game to outer game
What does the inner game mean to you?
Coaching Philosophy
Environmental design
Practice design
Coaching mindset
Reflections and takeaways
Defending the circle edge
Classic baseline defence
over defending
Got 1
Video Examples
What would this look like in training?
Back filling
Getting buy in from players
aware, prepare, execute
Seeing Red
Push pass basics
Execution of skills